We Stand with You. ALL of you!

In case you were wondering...

Heart of Haute as a company has always been an inclusive, supportive, and loving environment.  We are a fashion company. Fashion has always been a mode of expression, and through that we are grateful and proud to provide our garments to EVERYONE....  and we mean everyone. However, beyond being a fashion company, we are women.  Heart of Haute is now down in operations  to just my mother, Teresa, and I.  (we were once a team of about 10 employees...and we miss you guys so much!)

During this time....and forever.... we want to show our support in standing with the peaceful protesters and in solidarity with our African American neighbors. A hashtag isn't enough.  

My mother and I promise to actively reach out to our community with loving care.  As women, we are the nurturers of this world. We believe that love is the highest form of healing and of power. We are here to listen to you, promote you, and make you feel beautiful, no matter what mainstream media has conditioned so many of us to believe. 

We will always have our doors and hearts open to anyone that walks through them. We will never tolerate hate or adversity without attempting to first educate and communicate those that don't agree with our sentiment.  Why? Because we still believe that love is the answer and to take the time to educate and communicate, we then have the power to convey and influence the socially appropriate message.  

We express our deepest condolences to the families grieving the loss of their loved ones, to any of you that may be experiencing pain, fear, or anxiety from the recent acts of violence against the Black community, and to anyone that has lost a family-member, friend, loved-one, or community member, to the unjust act of  violence influenced by racism. 

Want to help? Unsure of where to start?

Here's just a small list of where you can send donations and educate yourself further...



Black Lives Matter:




Support Small Black Female-Owned Business:

A list of over 200 Black Female crafters on Etsy: via the Mad Mommy Blog

Non-Violent Communication: 



Be Good. Be Awesome!

Much Love,

Mandie Bee

& Mama Teresa


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